You are not alone in feeling dissatisfied and complacent with the appearance of your home. It’s easy to become tired with how your home looks and feels after living in it for a long period. Home renovation is frequently regarded as something extremely exhausting and expensive. The reward at the conclusion of the adventure is fantastic, but the difficulty you’ll face along the way makes the whole thing look pointless. The thing is – this project is only as complicated as you want it to be, and even the simplest of efforts can breathe a new life into your old home if you know exactly what needs to be changed. Here are a few suggestions.

1. Get rid of the unnecessary items

This seems quite unnecessary to say, but before you start doing anything, or bringing in anything new, it would be smart to sell, or give away pieces of furniture, or decorations that you don’t want to possess anymore. Maybe you own that old armchair since forever and you simply don’t like it in your interior anymore. Maybe the carpet reminds you on 2012, when you didn’t feel so great. Whatever the reason – those are just material things, they are meant to be changed from time to time. Organizing a garage sale, or donating unwanted pieces to a friend, or a humanitarian organization may be good options before you start getting new stuff.

2. Paint the walls

A fresh coat of paint is one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to shake things up in your home. Changing the color of a room can have a significant impact on its look. Changing the background will transform the entire room’s vibe and set the tone for whatever you wish to do in the future. A ultra white coating can dramatically improve the appearance of a tiny room by visually expanding it. Orange and yellow tones can encourage movement and energy in the living room, while lavender can bring a calming atmosphere in the bedroom. It is known that blue and green tones can help you relax, while you should avoid reddish tones, at least for more than two walls in a room.
3. Bring the light in

Altering the way a space is illuminated, like changing the paint, can drastically transform its ambiance. Layered lighting creates a moody atmosphere. Combined with bright paint, light with the same characteristics opens up small rooms. On the other hand, if you want to achieve more industrial look, so called Edison light bulbs would make a great choice.
For less technical changes, there are always candles that you can strategically deploy in the room which lighting you want to improve. Among great variety of brands, scents and colors, it is going to be an enjoyment to make arrangement that would lit and change the ambient of your home.

4. Say yes to colorful patterns
Now that you’ve set the right backdrop for changes in your interior, it’s time to get down to business, and what better way to start than with beds, sofas, and curtains, which make a big first impression for anyone who walks in the room? Patterned fabrics make a huge change in an overall look and they are so fun and easy to play with. Your beloved old sofa can stay, but in a completely new color and pattern. Think about flowers, dots and stripes, their combination, think about vintage style, or maybe more contemporary motifs – anything is allowed as long as you are happy with the fresh new look.
Patterns can be used not only for the furniture and cushions. Even the walls and floors can be adjusted to your new ideas. The selection of printed wallpapers is unlimited nowadays, and a colorful rug may be a bold move, but it is known that fortune favors the brave!

5. Establish focal points

Generally, focal points are parts of a space, or even single, remarkable pieces of furniture, that attract all of the eye and dramatically alter the dynamics of the entire area. Impressive paintings, large writing desks, unique works of art, etc, are good examples of focal points in your home. Be careful not to overdo it by choosing a big sofa, for example, and placing it in a central part of the room in a way that other elements stay unnoticed.

6. Re-organize and move the things around
Reorganizing your space might help you clear your thoughts and make things more comfortable for you. Prioritize the things you use the most, and everything you don’t use often can go in drawers or even the attic (if you have one). It will make your life easier if you can simply access the things you need on a daily basis.
Rearranging the furniture is maybe the most obvious advice, but the one most of the people wouldn’t even think about when renovating their homes. Simple moving the furniture can do miracles and completely change the vibe in your home.
You should experiment with it until you find a combination that works for you. Before moving any furniture, it’s a good idea to map out the re-arrangement on a paper.

7. Relax, be patient and enjoy the ride

When making even small changes, it is possible to experience stress. Whether you decide to make a bigger renovation and maybe even hire workers, it can be pretty hectic, dusty and dirty until the work is over. Don’t let all that discourage you and give you the feel that renovation will take forever.
Good things usually take time, so prepare yourself for that and be ready to make changes to your plan along the way.
Don’t stress, take time for yourself and look forward to your beautiful new home!
We also prepared a gallery of some interesting examples of just refurbished homes. Enjoy!